Market analysis
U.S. Marijuana Market: Medical marijuana will be a major market
At present, the global cannabis industry is in a serious shortage of supply.
According to statista, only U.S. medical marijuana in 2022The market will exceed $10 billion and continue to grow.At present, the market is mainly divided into three levels of CBD oil, crude oil For the content of about 20%-30% CBD oil, the current market wholesale The price is $1500 - $3000 per male, and the content is about 60%The current wholesale market price of CBD oil is 3000-4500 per kg Us dollars, boutique content in 99.7% of CBD crystal The previous market price is above 10000 us D per kg.
The data suggest that medicinal cannabis will continue to grow rapidly across the globe Growth.Among them, cannabidiol (CBD) produced by our company is One of the main ingredients. Data of daily chemical products are not shown in the chart
After parts of the United States and Canada legalized marijuana in 2018, Tilray, a cannabis producer and distributor that just went public in July, was listed at $17,rising 11 letters in two months and closing at more than $200
After the Spring Festival in 2019, the share price of Shun yuan, a domestic listed company, rose seven times in two months after it announced that it had obtained the industrial hemp planting license (1000-zhou planting license) in Yunnan. From more than 4 pieces at one point to more than 23 pieces.
The global legal cannabis market is expected to reach $100 billion by 2027;
Of that, adult use of marijuana, at more than$38.3 billion, accounts for the largest proportion, and medical spending will exceed$19.1 billion.
With the gradual development of derivatives and the opening up of the country by country, the CBD market will exceed $32bn.
So far, Canada has invested $1 billionin the cannabis industry, leading the way; Most states in the United State sand Canada have legalized medical marijuana, prompting most other countries to adopt similar policies.
ln South America, such as Brazil,the market size in Argentina, Peru,and Uruguay is expected to increase to us $776 million by 2027.
Germany is expected to lead the European market.
Zimbabwe is set to be the second African country to legally grow cannabis, which could be a major force in the future $57 billion market.
China started with Yunnan province, which is the only province that has carried out and completed the conversion of toxiccn nabis species.
Australia will grow to $1.2 billionby 2027, making it the world'sfifth largest cannabis market.
Post time: Oct-19-2022